children play piano

real vision services

Arts education institutions and organizations work with RealVisions to answer the question:

How do arts integration and arts-in-education programs ensure that teachers and teaching artists engage students in learning processes that promote creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration?

RealVisions consultants help clients answer this question through:

RealVisions consultants use logic models to assist schools in:

They use the structured observation instrument developed by Dr. Elda Franklin to help clients:

Using these tools, RealVisions consultants help clients build their capacity to create programs that use the arts to help students develop the skills, knowledge and expertise to succeed in the 21st century.

If your vision involves ... RealVisions helps you ...
Professional development programs for classroom teachers and teaching artists Design logic models, assess participant learning and use evaluation to build capacity in programs that . . .
  • Uphold rigorous standards for effective professional development
  • Strengthen instructional practice in K-12 classrooms
  • Transform how students learn
Arts integration educational projects Develop plans and program theory, assess student learning and use evaluation to strengthen projects that . . .
  • Create professional learning communities that place the arts in the center of learning
  • Give teachers the tools to engage all children in the learning process
  • Weave curricular connections that prepare students to be holistic creators in the 21st century
Grants to support your program Design the evaluation component for your grant application that . . .
  • Meets the requirements of the grant application
  • Informs every step of project delivery
Creative conferences and symposia Create opportunities that . . .
  • Facilitate dialogue between artists and arts educators in order to explore the potential of integrating the arts in the school curriculum
  • Ask as many questions as they answer
  • Share best practices in order to learn from successful programs

For whatever project you envision, RealVisions helps you clarify your goals and . . .

jumping boys